在房地产飞速发展的20年多年里,住宅作为一种商品被大规模制造让他们与使用者的需求逐渐南辕北辙,同时附庸风雅的概念与反复粘贴的风格更是让市场上的住宅变成面目模糊。In the last two decades of rapid real estate development, housing has been mass-produced as a commodity, gradually veering away from meeting users’ needs. Moreover, the influx of artistic concepts and repetitive styles has led to a blurred identity in houses available in the market.幸运的是我们本案所在地和光尘樾是市场大浪淘沙之下的一个独特且品质优秀的项目,它用光的美学来表达对城市的关怀和对审美进步的深思。项目的建筑中大量将让自然光引入的动作,让光成为空间里无可辩驳的主角。Fortunately, our project situated in Heguangchenyue stands as a unique and high-quality development amid the market upheaval. It expresses care for the city and profound thoughts on aesthetic advancement through the aesthetics of light. The architectural design incorporates numerous actions to introduce natural light, making it the unequivocal protagonist within the space.光,作为建筑与空间中永恒的创造母题,是每个设计师都渴望去解的题,而本案的设计中,也将立意也落笔于“光”,面对原本空间就大量“引入”的光以外,更能看到崔树对光的细腻控制,最终实现以空间为器来驾驭光,又以不同的光线来重塑造不同的空间。Light, an everlasting creative motif in architecture and space, poses a challenge that every designer aspires to tackle. In this case’s design concept, the focus is also on “light,” with a substantial introduction of light into the existing space. Beyond simply introducing light, the meticulous control exercised by Cui Shu over the light is evident, ultimately using space as a medium to master light and employing different light sources to reshape distinct spaces.五层的别墅空间从空间逻辑上被分为两个部分,一楼至三楼用来安置一家人的日常起居饮食的基础需求。The five-story villa space is logically divided into two parts – the first to third floors are designated for the family’s living and dining requirements.从大门步入,竖向空间上两层挑高的门厅空间与水平向上连绵的L型两面落地玻璃窗交汇映入眼帘,创造了第一重无限延展的感官冲击体验。Upon entering, the double-height foyer space and continuous L-shaped floor-to-ceiling glass windows offer an expansive visual experience, creating an infinite sense of extension.在这个以客、餐厅为主要功能的公共区域,室内并未做过度的设计动作,而是通过让庭院风景与室内相叠合,构成一个以自然日光和生活场景相互交织的独特场域,两者相为观看与被观看的主客体关系。In this public area, serving as the primary guest and dining space, the interior is not overly designed. Instead, the integration of courtyard scenery with the interior establishes a unique domain where natural daylight and life scenes blend. This interplay defines the subject-object relationship between viewing and being viewed.崔树将原本开阔连绵的空间“打碎”,又刻意用压缩到人尺度的走道串联起它们,由此形成不同功能空间上有效区隔以到达私密性的效果,又在家中形成多种有趣对望关系,创造了家人之间的联结。Cui Shu has intentionally fragmented the initially open and continuous spaces, connecting them via walkways scaled to human proportions. This effectively segregates different functional spaces to ensure privacy while fostering diverse and engaging spatial relationships among family members.在隐私性最强的顶楼主卧空间则被大刀阔斧化零为整,一个小家庭单元基础的生活都被串联其中。整个三层空间的交通空间的尺度都被刻意压缩或拉长,但走道则因为风景与光的介入,也由消极枯燥的交通空间成为移步异景的园林步廊。 让家的空间有了中国古画的意趣,让所有的日常活动都生动地都跃然于一纸之上。The top-floor master bedroom space, offering the utmost privacy, has been strategically compartmentalized to accommodate the basic life of a small family unit. While the scale of circulation space across all three floors is intentionally manipulated, the intervention of scenery and light has transformed corridors from passive transit zones into garden-like passages with varying vistas. This design imbues the home space with the essence reminiscent of ancient Chinese paintings, vividly illustrating all daily activities as if they leap off the canvas.与楼上所承载的一家老少的生活日常所不同的,地下两层更像是安放主人自我的精神栖息地。楼梯经过动线梳理后,挪至空间的中心,以一段朴直平缓的的楼梯入大道一般指引预示着转换与连接,让人伴随着灯光线索踏入地下的精神之园林,又可循着日光回归现实的日常。Unlike the daily routines of the family upstairs, the two underground floors resemble a sanctuary for the homeowner’s inner self. Following a meticulous arrangement of spatial flows, the staircase relocates to the heart of the area. With its straightforward and gentle ascent, the stairs act as an avenue signaling transition and connection, inviting one to venture into the subterranean spiritual haven while providing an avenue back to the reality bathed in natural sunlight.崔树以最为醇熟的手法在地下用室内建筑的形式制造了盒子,通过盒子之间的大小穿插、错落形成了多个不同标高,营造出层级丰富的小空间组团,由此让倾斜的光有了变化,有递进,有层级,有延伸,配合挑高的中庭与多样的条窗投出微光,若身处其中的某些瞬间会感受到如朗香教堂内部一般的神圣感,这是属于居住者的精神性时刻。Cui Shu has adeptly employed sophisticated architectural techniques underground, crafting a series of ‘boxes’ within the interior architecture. These boxes, varying in size and interwoven across different elevations, engender a richly layered composition of intimate spaces. The interplay of inclined light, manifesting progressions, gradations, and extensions, coupled with the high-ceiling atrium and diverse strip windows diffusing subtle rays, evokes moments of sanctity akin to the ambiance found within Langxiang Church. It’s a space nurturing spiritual resonance for its inhabitants.酒吧空间出乎意料地采用了大量圆弧形语汇组成了柔软又未来的包裹形态,完全不同于整体的设计语言昭示着空间的异质性,好似一处降临在家中的一艘飞船,若循着楼梯拾阶而上,坐下的时刻就仿佛畅游于静谧的太空之中,在失重体验的中与另一半现实的世界断联。The bar space, in an unexpected turn, embraces a design vocabulary primarily comprising soft and futuristic curves, starkly diverging from the overarching design language. This configuration, resembling a spacecraft materializing within the home, invites an ethereal experience. Ascending the stairs, settling in evokes the sensation of voyaging through tranquil space, disengaged from the conventional reality, experiencing a weightless detachment.茶室则呈现了《阴翳礼赞》中东方暧昧空间描述,条窗让中庭熹微之光若隐若现的透过来的,鱼缸里的金鱼则为空间提供了一种动势,“捏造”出梦幻的风景,也让闲趣生活与诗意情境在此重叠。天井庭院里,光线从上部引入,在墙壁上拓下光斑树影。玻璃砖半墙框出一处影影绰绰的窗景,为地下带来一丝明亮与生机。The teahouse encapsulates the mystique found in ‘In Praise of Shadows,’ employing strip windows that allow faint light from the atrium to delicately seep through. The presence of goldfish within a fish tank imparts dynamism to the space, almost ‘crafting’ a dreamlike vista. It is a space where leisurely living converges with poetic ambiance. In the courtyard, light filtering from above paints dappled shadows of trees on the walls. A glass brick half-wall frames an obscure yet intriguing window view, infusing the underground with a hint of luminance and vitality.崔树力图用向生活而行的方式,理解人们具体且生动的生活情景,将新时代里的需求被作为空间操作的出发点,更好的汲取生活中的感与悟,以用多年的专业理念与美学素养,铸建与实验居所空间,本次为盒子系列的一号作品,未来还将以一系列关于住宅的实践来探讨“家”这个私人化的概念。Cui Shu ardently strives to comprehend the vivid and distinct life experiences of individuals, adopting a life-centric approach to spatial operations in sync with the contemporary era. Leveraging years of professional expertise and aesthetic acumen, this creation marks the inaugural endeavor within the ‘box’ series. Future projects will further delve into the personalized concept of ‘home’ through an array of residential explorations.